A Visit to n.o 10 Downing Street
February 18, 2014

On January 30thJudy Lumsden, President of BS&U, joined a delegation from the Education Endownment Foundation (EEF) at a meeting in No 10 Downing Street, London.
The meeting was held with Prime Minister David Cameron’s special advisor, Daniel Korksi, and focussed on critical business issues from the rising cost of energy to the national minimum wage and Britain’s membership of the EU. Mr Korski thanked the EEF members for their invaluable advice and input, which will feed into policy discussions in the coming months. The timing was particularly relevant with the Budget due on 19 March.
Judy commented that it was a special moment to walk through the world famous No 10 front door. She added that once inside it was as grand as she expected and as the delegation ascended the 3 storey sweeping staircase, they had a unique opportunity to view the portraits and photos of every Prime Minister starting with Sir Robert Walpole, appointed in 1721. The long and proud history of No 10 and the illustrious politicians who served there was evident along every corridor and in the meeting room itself, which helped make it a 'truly memorable experience'.
Judy Lumsden and members of the (EEF) pictured outside n.o 10 Downing Street, London.