Arkema Recognizes Students And Customers With First Scholarship Awards
February 16, 2022
As a global leader in advanced bio-circular materials made from renewable castor beans, Arkema recently awarded its first castor scholarships to recognize select global customers with a strong commitment to sustainability as well as high school students from the castor rich region of Gujarat, India.
As a first step, Arkema employees, and their partners from Ihsedu, a leading castor bean processor visited high schools in the Palanpur district of Gujarat in Western India, where a large part of the world’s castor crop is farmed. During the classroom visits, educational presentations were made to the students about sustainability, climate change impact reduction, and the vital role played by renewable crops like castor in the production of advanced bio-circular materials. Then, the students were supplied with a variety of writing and art supplies and were encouraged to demonstrate their creative abilities in line with the theme of “a more sustainable future”. Several hundred students participated in the competition, with oversight from their parents, guardians, and high school principals. Four winning students were selected for their outstanding work.
As a second step, Arkema selected customers who have demonstrated a strong commitment to sustainability through the use of innovative bio-circular materials. Arkema will award the winning students with a scholarship in the name of these customers. The student scholarship includes a monetary award for the purchase of school supplies to the high school of the winning student, and a personal computer for the winning student.
Crane, are a global provider of specialized engineering-solutions and equipment is awarded the “Divela Award” (Hindi for Castor). Crane has been a historical partner in the development of highly corrosion-resistant bio-based powder coatings for their Viking Johnson branded products that serve the potable water industry.
“This is a unique opportunity for us to celebrate sustainable development with our customers while also helping the younger generation of students to understand the vital role their community plays,” said Erwoan Pezron, Executive Vice President of Arkema’s High Performance Polymers Business. “We’d like to thank the castor farming community for inviting us into their schools and for demonstrating their passion for the environment with enthusiasm and outstanding creativity, and to congratulate the students for their artistic and academic dedication. We also want to thank our partner customers for their commitment to advanced bio-circular materials and their ability to innovate and drive positive change.”