Local Charities Benefit from Employee Donations

July 7, 2015

Local Charities Benefit from Employee Donations

Each year employees at Crane BS&U are invited to nominate local charities that are close to their hearts, particularly focusing on smaller charities that provide direct services to the needy and disadvantaged in the local area.

The Crane Fund for Widows and Children makes contributions to charitable organisations that provide direct assistance to underserved populations in the communities where Crane Co. operates.

Potton Vineyard Church

The Good Neighbour Scheme provides support to people in the community who are in need of assistance, whether these circumstances are financial, physical or age-related. The Scheme consists of local volunteers who provide assistance in the form or household chores, simple repairs (i.e. mend a fuse or change a light bulb) and transport needs (i.e. visits to hospital) etc. to those who are unable to carry out these tasks themselves. These services are always provided free of charge to the recipients.

“I chose this charity as my wife and I are members of Potton Vineyard Church and my wife runs the Good Neighbour Scheme. There is a growing need for this type of local support in communities as government services are coming under increased pressures with restricted resources and increasing demand,” said Jonathan Lean, International Sales Manager.

East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices (EACH)

From babies to young people up to the age of 18, EACH, support families, children and young people living with life-threatening conditions across Cambridgeshire, Essex, Norfolk and Suffolk from diagnosis to end of life and throughout bereavement.

Peter Bultz, nominated EACH and said: “EACH is a great local charity so I was delighted my nomination was approved by Crane and the money went to such a deserving cause.”

St Elizabeth Hospice

The hospice improves life for people living with a progressive illness across East Suffolk and South Norfolk. Care is tailored to the individual and support is available for families and carers too, whenever they need it and includes helping people deal with problems such as pain, anxiety and fatigue.

“The reason that I nominated St Elizabeth Hospice is because unfortunately I know a lot of people close to me who have had to call on the services they provide, and have no doubt there will be a lot more that make use of these services in the future. The support the Hospice provided to these people and their families at a very difficult time was invaluable,” said Julie Collis.

Other charities that received a donation from the Crane Fund for Widows and Children were Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, Coeliac UK, St Ann’s Hospice and The Neonatal Unit at Wirral Women and Children’s Hospital.

Some of the charities attended a presentation at Crane House, Ipswich earlier in the year. Pictured from left to right: Sam Davies, Coeliac UK, Brian Taylor, St Elizabeth Hospice, Judy Lumsden, CBS&U, Jonathan Lean, Viking Johnson, Senior Pastor Alan Watson, Potton Vineyard Church, Peter Bultz, CBS&U, Gemma Smith, EACH, Helen Molloy, CBS&U and Julie Collis, CBS&U.

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Crane Building Services & Utilities
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01473 277300