Henrietta House, London - Commercial
Contractor: Silverline Engineering Distributor: TG Lynes Specification: A range of Hattersley isolation valves
A range of isolating valves has been specified for installation within the fancoils of Henrietta House, a prestigious office development in London’s West End. The building is undergoing refurbishment before CB Richard Ellis of London relocates its headquarters to the office in May 2011.
The building is 7 floors tall and will provide 9000m² of luxurious office space. The Hattersley valves, including the newly designed Fig. 100 ball valve range, will control the heating and cooling of each floor. Hattersley was selected because it’s valves are light, compact and easy to install and operate. For Silverline Engineering, the fact that design features include improved leak protection, and resistance to damage onsite, will ensure a long and maintenance-free life expectancy.