The Cube, Birmingham - Building Services - Mixed Development

Project: The Cube Client: Birmingham Development Company Architect/Consulting Engineer: Ken Shuttleworth Contractor: Robert Prettie & Co Distributor: BSS (Birmingham) Ltd Specification: Hattersley - Compact Hook-Ups
2010 will see the completion of the œ100 million, 17-storey building, named 'The Cube' in Birmingham's city centre. The futuristic and innovative build, known as 'a city within a city', will be of mixed use where the residents of Birmingham can dine, shop, relax, live and work.
This world class building will be kitted out with Hattersley Compact Hook-Ups, suitable for both heating and chilled water applications. The Compact Hook-Up provides flow control and measurement, flushing and isolation. Chosen for their ability to reduce time and costs of site labour, the Hattersley Hook-Up is a prefabricated unit which is tested before and after assembly.